Too long

Filed Under Selling, Sewing 

It’s been too long since I posted. But, well, life gets in the way so often.

I actually took pictures of my latest pots, but haven’t gotten the chance to upload them anywhere that they could be viewed from.

So I can leave you with this little picture of my new favorite thingy… Apparently the buyers on etsy like it too, I sold 2 last week, and a total of 6 items! That’s a record for me. Yay for great photos… Now I just have to figure out how to do it w/o my free trial of Photoshop CS3.

I’ve also been crocheting again and have come up with this little number, which was actually kind of a screw up gon right. :)

I likey. I hope someone else does too…. Little purses are just too much fun!


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