You should see the sewing room. The Christmas projects (and other stuff, too) are just piled around the circumference of the room. I’m NEVER going to get it cleaned out. Never. Ever. I’m also never going to get to the projects that are for me. So, let’s see, I have 4 pairs of jammies to make, a set of spa pillow thingies, a makeup bag (me), a pile of stockings I swear I’m going to list on Etsy, and numerous other things.

towel2.jpg Last night I just made myself sit down in there and start sewing. I did get some dishtowels done. Eight of them to be precise. I’ve also made some progress on one of the sleeves of my new sweater. I’ve only ripped the entire thing out once.

But I’m getting extremely frustrated. I cannot get a good picture of any of this stuff. Oh, sure, I could drag out the light tent and the spotlights, but ugh. I don’t want to! I hate that stuff. And as if getting good lighting weren’t bad enough, I CANNOT. STOP. SHAKING. Every damn picture is blurry.

tacks.jpg I also finished these little tacks ages ago, but they’re so cute I wanted to show them off anyway. Trust me, you don’t want to know how many pictures of them I took before finding a decent one. Let’s just say my camera needs new batteries.


2 Responses to “Piles of Projects”

  1. Shannon on November 28th, 2007 11:19 am

    Those tacks are very cute!

  2. Susan on November 30th, 2007 8:55 am

    The towels are precious! Lucky people on your gift list. You are so busy – I wish I had your persistence and creativity.

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