I told you about my shoe shopping excursion that was inspired by the pictures on this tutorial from Cluck Cluck Sew. Well, the goodness just doesn’t end there.
I was cleaning out Sean’s room to move my sewing stuff again when I found some left over jersey yardage from the disastrous eel costume. Oh yeah, who could resist? Especially someone who just bought cute little red shoes (sadly not pictured here).
I actually really love sewing without a real pattern, so the tutorial for this project was perfect. I am also surprised at how smoothly the whole process went. Maybe I am just getting better at this… haha no. It has to be the new machine. The only hiccup was on the second buttonhole in the front. I hate buttonholes, and if you don’t, too, well, then you’re lying.
Anyone who knows me knows I am totally a jeans a tee-shirt kinda girl… but at a high of 111 degrees this week, it’s too damned hot to wear jeans. Oh how I loved this skirt yesterday. It has to be the most comfortable piece of clothing I own!
Here’s hoping my clothing sewing mojo continues.
P.S. Please ignore my alarmingly pale legs and our lovely dead grass…
I love it! I want one too!!!!!