A friend of mine recently turned me on to a photographic series done by artist Jill Greenberg. Each photo (which is manipulated by the artist after processing) is a child crying. Some are merely weeping while others are in full out temper-tantrum mode.

There is (or was – I’m rather late to the picture) a huge controversy over whether these photos constituted child abuse. The artist has stated that to upset the children, a lollipop was given and then taken away briefly. Most of these arguments contained something about how the children will suffer long term damage from being “exploited” as such.

Now tell me, is there really a case of a sociopath whose only abuse was getting something taken from him? Honestly, why are we putting our children in bubbles? I don’t understand the parental mentality that says we can’t tell our children “no”. But then, maybe I’m abusive, too. I’ve threatened to take pictures of Alexis when she is throwing a fit, and actually done it, too. Guess what? She quit screaming after about the third shutter click.

Either way, you have to admit that the pictures show nothing but raw emotion. Whether or not that is art is in the eye of the beholder.


4 Responses to “Just say “No””

  1. cathy on November 2nd, 2007 6:50 am

    this is very interesting. i don’t think the children would have suffered long term psychological damage – in fact, i’m sure they forgot about it within 10 minutes.

    i have taken photos of my son throwing tantrums (happened to have camera in my hands – actually he’s often throwing a tantrum because he wants the camera!) to show him when he’s older … but i think that’s a little different to causing a child to cry or throw a tantrum on purpose so that a photo can be taken. i’m uncomfortable with that.

  2. Gopi on November 3rd, 2007 4:40 pm

    Similar issue here. I thought it was funny as heck. The comments have additional pointers to similar photos.

  3. Chocolate and Steel on November 4th, 2007 3:58 pm

    I remember when this controversy was going around. It’s a tough one because kids cry all the time over things they can’t have. It’s not going to damage them.

    But… you do have to wonder about the intention. I don’t think that I would feel ok about causing my child unnecessary pain for the sake of a pic.

    With all that said, the pictures are really beautiful!

  4. Lisa LaPella on November 6th, 2007 7:03 am

    Awesome idea! I might have to run get some boxes today!

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