Butterfly Beginnings
Filed Under Knitting
I’m not feeling particularly wordy these days, but I have been knitting! I’ve started the hems of the Rowan butterfly dress. Of course, I never do anything by the instructions so I’m planning on knitting it in the round instead of flat. Someone just shoot me. I should be shot, don’t you think?
Anyway, it is going very well. At some point during the first layer of hem, about 5 stitches FELL OFF my needle, and I had no idea how to pick them up. I was so frustrated I even yelled at Chris and Alexis. Bad mommy. But since then, it’s going much better. I have the 8 row sequence just about memorized, and I’m more than half way there. I’m really really ready for the dress part, though, I’m sure after 35 repeats of that I’ll be bored as well.
oh, it’s too hot for knitting! Or crafting anything other than a sunburn at the pool. I admire your tenacity.
[...] instead, onto the dork stuff. I’m still plugging away at the butterfly dress. I really need to take new pictures of it, I’m actually almost done with the decreases, which [...]
[...] for those of you who are wondering, yes, I did finish the Butterfly dress… I even wore it on the cruise. But guess what? We didn’t take even one single picture. [...]