Poor unloved bloggy blog
Filed Under Sewing
So, I’ll admit, I don’t update enough. I guess I’d just rather be making stuff, than writing about making stuff. Or actually, these days, it might just be that I’d rather lay around and read. I’ve been so lazy lately, and I have so much to do. My baby (5) girl is going to be a flower girl in one of my oldest friends wedding, and I have only 95% finished her shrug so far. Sigh, I really need to get sewing.
I’m making her this dress:
in a precious pink satin that has all these little glittery sparkles all over it. Oh how I love lined dresses. They just make the dress that much sweeter. (And then my daughter prefers them cuz they don’t itch!)
I also promised to make her a She-go costume (a la Kim Possible). Ugh!!! There are no patterns for this! So, for fun, (right) I’m going to alter a power rangers costume into a cute little-girls-gone-evil-side-kick costume. At least she wants to be a villian this year. I’m tired of princesses.
And I haven’t even started with all the clothing supplies I’ve bought for myself. I guess I feel like, “what’s the point? I have no shoes to wear with all these great things?” Not that I’m the queen of fashion or anything, but someday, I’d like to give it a try. And I keep finding great fabric. Sigh, if only I could bring myself to cut it.
God, I’m a mess!