You should see the sewing room. The Christmas projects (and other stuff, too) are just piled around the circumference of the room. I’m NEVER going to get it cleaned out. Never. Ever. I’m also never going to get to the projects that are for me. So, let’s see, I have 4 pairs of jammies to make, a set of spa pillow thingies, a makeup bag (me), a pile of stockings I swear I’m going to list on Etsy, and numerous other things.

towel2.jpg Last night I just made myself sit down in there and start sewing. I did get some dishtowels done. Eight of them to be precise. I’ve also made some progress on one of the sleeves of my new sweater. I’ve only ripped the entire thing out once.

But I’m getting extremely frustrated. I cannot get a good picture of any of this stuff. Oh, sure, I could drag out the light tent and the spotlights, but ugh. I don’t want to! I hate that stuff. And as if getting good lighting weren’t bad enough, I CANNOT. STOP. SHAKING. Every damn picture is blurry.

tacks.jpg I also finished these little tacks ages ago, but they’re so cute I wanted to show them off anyway. Trust me, you don’t want to know how many pictures of them I took before finding a decent one. Let’s just say my camera needs new batteries.

froghead.jpgI don’t know what it is, but every time I get sick, it’s on a weekend when Chris is in SA doing his guard drill. This weekend was no different. He infects me with his disgusting hacking wet cough and heads off to defend the country. So, I’m at home, first with just a little tickle in the back of my throat. I figure it’s due to the molds being so eff-ing high, so I continued to go about my day. By nightfall, I’m was feeling really crappy, and figured I’ve infected everyone I’ve come in contact with. After Alexis passes out from such a busy day, I stayed up for a bit and watched TV/knitted (damn sweater is FINALLY on track).

About 11 pm, I check the medicine cabinet for some leftover cough syrup. Score!! Hydromet from LAST Christmas when I had the Cough. Never mind that it’s been expired for nearly a year. I down a couple teaspoons and head off to bed. About a half hour later, I’m hanging on to the bowl of the toilet gasping for air as I knelt there and offered up my tortilla soup to the porcelain gods. Back to bed. Of course, now I’m coughing again, and I’m pretty sure all the drugs I just took are somewhere on their way to a lake with 3-eyed fish. At least they won’t be coughing, pregnant fish with RLS. Lucky them.

Sunday wasn’t much better. I coughed and coughed and coughed, but at least I had the foresight not to take anymore year old, EXPIRED codiene products. Whenever I’m sick, Alexis gets to do and eat pretty much whatever she wants because as I lay dieing in bed, she bugs me incessantly. Mommy, can I have… Mommy, can I play… YES, SURE, DO WHATEVER. Go play with knives, swim in the pool unsupervised, drink some bleach but just LET ME SLEEP!

By 2 o’clock, I’ve had a couple of broken hours of sleep and I feel like the worst mommy of the year. I called my mom in tears and she offered to come get Alexis. So after a quick temper tantrum about “I’m going to miss you sooo much mommy”, Alex agrees to go play at grandma’s if she can play “trash can”. (This is apparently when my mother stuffs her into a sleeping bag and carries her around like a bag of trash – She never played games like that with US… She would just tickle us until we gasped with our last choking breath “I love you sweet, beautiful mommy.” And yes, I do that to Alexis, too.)

When Chris brought her home later that evening, I was, at least in a better mood, if not sicker than before. My sweet (beautiful) Chris makes me dinner and tea and tucks me into bed by 7:45.

So here I am on Monday morning, when I am SUPPOSED to be having two glorious days to myself while Chris is at work, and Alexis is at school. Hell, I even have appointments at the spa. Will I enjoy them? I’ll probably be hacking up nasty snot balls during the whole thing. I really pity the masseuses who are stuck with me today. I suspect I’ll infect them as well. But what do I care? I get to have a 45 minute foot rub.


A picture!!! I finished the ripple blanket about a week ago. It’s so soft and snuggly. Both Chris and Alexis are trying to claim it as their own. Alexis is dragging it up and down the stairs and getting even more golden retriever fur on it. (I’m sure there is a good amount *IN* it)

I’m really pleased with how it turned out. Alex helped me pick the colors, and I really really like them. And in order to keep them sort of random, she also would pick the next color as I got near the end of a row. Though, to be fair, Chris helped with that after she went to bed.

I think I figured out that this sucker is made from FOUR (yes FOUR) pounds of yarn. It’s heavy. Anyway, at least that sucker is out of my system.

Last night I finally got the bottom ribbing and a few rows of stockingette stitch done on my sweater. Only like 14 inches to go until I get to the fun part. Sigh… at least I can do it anywhere and mostly without looking. I’d better get more movies from netflix.

But man, I’ve got an issue, cuz the sweater is the second project in a row that I’ve done with “cheap” yarn from Michael’s. I’m SO not a synthetic fiber kind of girl. I’m actually a fiber snob. I want hand dyed stuff for fabric, embroidery floss, and yarn. I need to drag myself to the new yarn store. Especially since the sewing room has SO much more room in it to hold yarn and stuff.

Really, I swear I’ll take pictures of the room someday. When it’s perfect. Bwa-ha-ha-ha.

And go over to yarnbar and checkout Susan’s super cool knitted robot. (And about a million other cool projects she and Gina come up with)

If you’re not in the mood for a super boring post, stop here. If, however, you want to hear me complain about my day, by all means, keep reading. Most of it won’t make sense out of context, but since when do I make sense. I don’t even have the energy to complain well. And I can’t find any relevant or even just plain good, photos to show you.

So I was knitting along on this new sweater I was starting for myself, when I realize that it’s twisted. So I decide to “untwist” it by moving it to another set of needles and then back. Um, DUH it was a circle, and twisted (think mobius strip except with more than 1/2 twist) Now I have 2 inches of sweater that I have to pull out because it’s so damn twisted. (I went searching for a picture of this… apparently I am the ONLY MORON ON THE PLANET WHO HAS DONE THIS!!!) And did I mention this would be the THIRD time I frogged it? Grrrr.

The morning started with me *edited*…. Honestly, I’m not TRYING to be difficult. I’m just scatterbrained like my mother. It’s GENETIC, ok?

Then I call my mom (yes, the scatterbrained one, whom I aspire to be like, dammit!) when I’m on the way to pick up Alexis to see if I can come get the video camera when I’m done. I needed the camera because her very first school program was today, and Chris couldn’t make it because he’s taking a class that’s on Tuesday nights. When I pick up Alexis she informs me that she got in trouble again in class (she was in trouble yesterday, too). AUGH!

We head to get the camera, and as I’m pulling into my mother’s neighborhood, she calls and asks if I’m coming. I tell her I’ll be there in just a couple of minutes, but my step father is in the background barking because he is hungry and wants to go eat. JESUS!

Anyway, at least the show was super cute. Alexis was a bit nervous at the beginning, and had to pee so bad at the end that she was dancing, but in the middle she did great. I hope the video is good, and I hope I can steal stills from it.

So, crappy day, but ended up good, and I have nothing interesting to say.

So I’ve been awfully busy at work lately. Not a whole lot of time for creativeness. I’ve been waiting for the hubster to make good on his promise and take pictures of the latest craftiness. I’ve made a bunch of pillows. And I finished knitting a sock (one more to go!) a project that was inspired by gina.

Also this weekend I bought a serger! Yay… it’s so neat to start sewing the blankets on it and watching them cut the fabric — “like butta“. I hope I’ll be able to turn the blankets out faster as I am supposed to do the Artist’s Market show on March 10. So come out and see me. I need to clean out my closets to make room for new stuff!

Hopefully, soon also, I’ll get some of the pottery back from my class at AMOA. I threw a cool ceramic bird house that I am totally exited about. I can’t wait to see it next week. Speaking of ceramics, I’ve added a bunch of links to the blogroll over there >>>. But Whitney’s has to be my favorite potters blog. She’s so personable, and so good at taking photos of her work, that I aspire to be like her. :)

And I must not forget my etsy friend Muttsywonder (Harrilu). She makes the softest nicest shirts ever… I love wearing mine.

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