“I don’t like moths because they fly like they’re broken.”

Alexis brought homework home for a parent tonight. It was this grid thing with letters down one side and numbers across the top, and pictures drawn in some of the squares. There were 4 questions (plus a bonus question worth 200 points). Each question was really just a “what is in square A3?” type of thing. Well, I made Chris do the homework, because well, I already played the subtraction card game with her — which was actually hard and kinda fun, but I digress.

So Chris answers all of the questions with her standing over his shoulder coaching him. When he finishes (and the bonus question was hard I tell ya — it was a trick question — there is no cell E1!) she looks at him and snatches the page and says, “I’m going to grade it now.” Which she does with very little fanfare.

As it turns out she was actually supposed to return this parental homework, but she left it sitting on the computer desk between us. I picked it up to take it to her homework bag — don’t ask me, I don’t know why they don’t just use a folder — when I noticed the grade she gave Chris.


Seriously. I guess he passed.

Alexis has been practicing reading the story of Jesus’ birth. It’s a tradition in our family to read that passage instead of saying grace before the Christmas Eve meal. The youngest member of the family who is able to read is the lector.

When she finished reading the passage tonight, Chris asked her if she knew what the book she was reading from was. Smartly, she closes the book and reads the title aloud. “The Chocolate Living Bible”

That’s my girl!

Last night while we were watching the end of the democratic primaries, one of the candidates – I can’t remember who – said “… but first we are Americans.”

Alexis sits up and looks at the TV incredulously, and spouts, “Um, duuuh. First we are babies.”

babysacksocks.jpg I don’t know what my problem is, I’ve had this adorable pair of socks and baby sacque done for weeks and I couldn’t get it posted. The pattern is Knitting at Knoon’s Sweet Pea (what is my problem? I consistently type “Sweat Pea”…), and the yarn is the suggested Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino.

As cute as it is, and as perfect a baby gift it will make, I don’t think I will ever do this pattern again. Can you say “boring”? I’m talking about stockinette stitch. On size 3′s. For miles. I thought it would never end, and just when I thought I was done with it, and could do (whee!) reverse stockinette, that is, when I reached the end of the decreases – which were themselves like 15 rows apart – I double checked the pattern and see that now I’m supposed to continue for another four inches. Yeah, I put the knitting down and walked away.


So now I’m on the hunt for something a little less traditional. But still cute! It must be cuuuuute. And I’m flat out rejecting anything that has even a few rows of stockinette. I think I’ve met this year’s quota. Bleh.

I’m scouring Ravelry, but it seems like every FO or pattern on there is from the same three patterns. I’m thinking some sort of rainbow variegated yarn would be nice. This mommy has a completely different style… think, Grateful Dead meets Paul McCartney and Bobs Dylan and Marley. And throw in just a touch of Mary Poppins. She’s also my oldest friend. So it has to be perfect whatever it is.

Anyone got any bright ideas?

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