Might I present Mini-Quilt #2 for Mini-Quilt Monday #3. And my first entry for Celebrate Color!
Yo-yos. 100 of them to be exact. In, oh-so-untypical fashion, I tried something new in a small way. And boy am I glad of that. 100 yo-yos may not seem like much, but it took me a week (on vacation) to make them, and another week to sew them all together. I can’t even imagine how much work is involved in making a whole bed cover!
And I learned a bunch along the way.
For example. How to make a yo-yo. Ha ha. I had to ask Alexis. She’s made them before (taught by her grandmother) and I haven’t. My first few were obvious. You can see one in the middle of the third picture. It’s the yellow one in the bottom corner. I didn’t realize I was supposed to be “hemming” them as I went around the circle. Oh. Yeah. Pulling them shut after I figured that gem out was a lot easier.
Sewing them together. I had them sewn into rows before I figured out a better way to join them. Whip stitching. No. Blind hem stitch. No. Running the string through a small section on one, then through a small section on the other and then pulling it tight? yes.
Still. It came out well.
I think I will hang it over my desk, or over my sewing desk. Not sure which. Alexis told me she thought I should keep this one. Why thank you, my dear. It’s so nice to think mommy deserves something once in a while.
I love your color selection! It’s like fall but not traditional fall. I love the pink and orange and green. Super!
This is so unique and a great idea for yo-yo’s, I haven’t tried them yet..maybe someday! Thanks for sharing! I’m coming from Mini quilt monday
So cute. It looks like something even I could do if you taught me! I like how the colors are look like they’re not random but they kind of are.
Love the yo-yos. I haven’t tried those yet either.
That is SO cool!
I haven’t tried them yet either, but someday! The colors you chose are very pretty.